Albatros Tip Location- Magellano ecg intracavitario endocavitario e cerbero 4.0 ecografi portatili wireless
ISIDE -Sonda ecografica Wireless Endovaginale + Convex +Phased Aarray - Color + Power + Doppler PW
Sonda Ecografica Wireless Phased Array - IDEAcw C-MatrixSound


Portable Wireless Ultrasound Probes

Tip location systems

Ultrasound and ECG in the implantation of vascular accesses

Ultrasound of the right carotid artery with Wireless Ultrasound Probe CERBERO4.0 B-MatrixSound


Upper abdomen ultrasound with Wireless handheld ultrasound CERBERO4.0

Abdomen Ultrasound (Biliary Tract) – Handheld Wireless Ultrasound CERBERO4.0 B-MatrixSound

Ultrasound Training Course

Prof Mario Meola Scuola Superiore S. Anna (Pisa)

Bed Side Ultrasound School – I part

Bed Side Ultrasound School – III part

Bed Side Ultrasound School – II part

Bed Side Ultrasound School – IV part

Bed Side Ultrasound School – V part

Scientific content of the course


Covid-19 Chest ultrasound – B lines

Lung Ultrasound

Lung ultrasound with ATL wireless probe CERBERO4.0. In case of thickening of the pulmonary interstitium, artifacts appear perpendicular to the pleural line called “ B Lines“ previously known as “comet tail” or “ring down artifacts”. B Lines are artifacts arising from the pleural line and extending, truncated cone-shaped, to the periphery: under normal conditions it is possible to find some B lines but, they are interpreted as abnormal when there are at least three artifacts in a standard scan

Chest ultrasound with ATL probe CERBERO

Wireless Ultrasound Probes ATL

ATL Ecografi Wireless esclusiva per l'italia

Wireless Ultrasound Probes Technology

The new concept and technology of ATL handheld wireless ultrasound probes  allow anyone in the health field to perform any type of ultrasound, with all possible existing and future application algorithms.

The expansion of these market segments in recent years have let to a great development of our u-probes.

Today every university, hospital, emergency urgency dept or air ambulance and all healthcare staff, nurses included, has been equipping with ATL WIRELESS ultrasound probes.

ATL u-probes have all European, USA and Flight medical and technical certifications and the tablet is medically certified,

Use of  Wireless Ultrasound Probes under Extreme Conditions

ATL ultrasound probes perfectly work in precarious territorial situations, such as for example high on the mountains or at sea, and thus enabling medical and paramedical staff to make a diagnosis in safety and autonomy for a faster triage decision on the patient.

An internal battery lasting up to 8 hours online, always allows the user to work safely and quietly even at extreme temperatures.

ATL wireless u-probes provide images in real time without WiFi networks, through coupling between probe and tablet, smartphone, iPad, iPhone or. Windows notebook.

The probe connects with a device with a simple coupling and a password provided by ATL.

Out-of-hospital emergency URGENCY with ATL wireless ultrasound probes

In emergency, the doctor is called to face more or less complex situations to be manage as soon as possible and at best.

During a diagnosis, the ultrasound technique has become an indispensable aid in pre-hospital clinical framing and during some otherwise very difficult maneuvers.

Time is the secret ingredient, indispensable for correct management of intra and extrahospital urgency.

Emergency ultrasound is a targeted examination allowing the healthcare provider to make a quick decision in the diagnostic-therapeutic process.

The new technology of ATL wireless ultrasound probes and a deeper knowledge of the human body anatomy, represent the new starting points to push ultrasound even in extrahospital emergency

Assistance and Training – Wireless Handheld U-Probes – Wireless Ultrasound Probe

ATL “tutors” will analyze remotely with you, in real time, even the slightest clinical difficulty that will arise during and after ultrasound exams.

Furthermore, both updates and assistance will be quickly and remotely managed, within a few minutes, by our ATL staff in Milan.

Our attention is completely focused on clinical training of medical and nursing staff, with monthly courses and events at the university departments in Italy, both with and without CME accreditation.

Application Fields of ATL Wireless Ultrasound Probes

Neonatal transport service

Neonatal transport services are available in all regions and neonatologists working in third level centers have to assist and transfer, sometimes serious infants, born in centres of I and II level where ultrasound probes are not often available: that’s why having an ATL wireless ultrasound probe both on site and in the ambulance, can make the difference.


Ultrasound has now become a kind of “stethoscope”

L’ecografia è diventata ormai una sorta di “stetoscopio”, a tool that every doctor should have and use in the most appropriate way, as it greatly increases diagnostic capabilities and enhances therapeutic possibilities.

Possible applications of ATL Wireless ATL Ultrasound Probes during the Neonatal transport service, depending on application field:

1. Respiratory:

  •  ATL Wireless Ultrasound Probe CERBERO4.0:

Allows to make the differential diagnosis between disease of hyaline membranes and transient neonatal tachypnea. It allows to exclude the air leak or pleural effusion, thus allowing to choose the best respiratory support strategy.

2. Cardiovascular:

Allows to carry out an assessment of myocardial functionality and recognize states of low blood output from pre-load reduction or ventricular function, helping in therapeutic choices. It also allows to exclude the presence of major congenital heart diseases.

3. Neurologic:

Allows to identify major neurological lesions: endoventricular hemorrhages endoventricular and/or parenchymal haemorrhages; cerebral ischemia etc

4. Venous Access:

Allows to accurately carry out tip location during the placement of umbilical and epicutaneous-cavali venous catheters.

Ultrasound guided venipuncture of the femoral vein in the newborn when the placement of a peripheral or umbilical venous catheter is impossible.


Tutte le novità Ecografi Wireless - Wireless Ultrasound Probes

Ecografi Wireless Portatili

Le nostre sonde ecografiche wireless sono dispositivi all'avanguardia con la loro semplicità di utilizzo e la tecnologia wireless 5G, caratteristiche che le rendono uniche nel suo genere.


Tip Location e Tip Navigation

Sistemi per Tip Location ed Ecografia a supporto degli Accessi Vascolari


Assistenza e installazione

Siamo sempre presenti per qualsiasi problema o domanda



Seda S.p.A.
Distributore Sicilia ecografi portatili wireless ATL
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